Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Dynamic Range

Question: Discuss about the Dynamic Range. Answer: Dynamic range is a way of describing a range of light intensities from darkest shadows to brightest highlighted parts. (Diaz 2014). Dynamic range gives the ratio between maximum and minimum light that can be measured; white and black respectively. It is determined by EV-Exposure Value. In photography, some scenes may have a wide dynamic range (ratio between maximum and maximum light) while other have narrow have narrower exposure value. (McCollough 2008, p.152). Changes in the size of dynamic range can cause an image taken to be either very gray or very black and white. This is because dynamic range operates more on weaker noise and acts less on the strong echoes. (McCollough 2008, p.160). This is attributed to the fact that weak echoes give reflectors that are small and reveal texture and noise that has no diagnostic value. The wider the dynamic range of the imaging machine, the more information it will capture. On the other hand, the narrower the dynamic range the lesser information captured by the imaging machine used. However, the contrast of the two images taken will differ. (Marcus 2015).The more the information captured by a camera, the lesser the contrast between the features of the image. (Marcus 2015).That means that the wider the dynamic range the lesser the contrast of the image while the narrower the image the sharper the contrast of the image features captured. (Upstate Medical University 2014). Wider dynamic Range (Upstate Medical University 2014). Narrower dynamic Range (Upstate Medical University 2014). Reference Diaz, R 2014, An introduction to High Dynamic Range HDR and its Support within H.265/HEVC Standard Extension, viewed 6th April 2017, https://www.google.com/url?sa=trct=jq=esrc=ssource=webcd=1cad=rjauact=8ved=0ahUKEwiA4sSVzZTTAhUcR48KHc1PCdoQFggbMAAurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.slideshare.net%2Fxinhxinhqua_678%2Fhigh-dynamic-range-an-introductionusg=AFQjCNG2SrjXci6brlWCAYqAFHifSvpMcAsig2=BMg6EF_gZYgokslg-l-djwbvm=bv.152174688,d.c2I Marcus. H 2015, Dynamic Range in Photography: How to capture all the tones in a Scene, Techradar, viewed 6th April 2017, https://www.techradar.com/how-to/photography-video-capture/cameras/dynamic-range-in-photography-how-to-capture-all-the-tones-in-a-scene-1320985 McCollough, F 2008. Complete Guide to High Dynamic Range Digital Photography, Pixiq, New York. Upstate Medical University 2014, Effects of Changing X-ray Tube Voltage, viewed 7th April 2017, https://www.upstate.edu/radiology/education/rsna/radiography/kvp.php

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